Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Terran Vs Terran (effective now due to high demand in blue flame helion play)

Reaper harass to bio ball
10 supply
12 barrack
13 refinery
-build 1 marine, then tech lab
15 orbital
15 barrack, then build reaper/scv
17 supply
tech lab, scv
- drop a second refinery when your 3rd reaper is done
-keep pumping out reapers and scv nonstop until you get 3-4 reapers
grab xel naga towers and make sure they dont see your reapers come from the back and harass scv line
- after your 3-4th reaper, nonstop build marauders and scvs and dont get supply blocked
- research concussive right when you get your first marauder out
- and research stim fairly early as well
- drop down a third barracks when you have a good amount of money supply to keep pumping out marauders and add a reactor
- drop a engineering bay and start upgrading when you have a good amount of mineral reserve and nonstop pump
- build a turret if you see if your opponent has a starport

Key points to this strategy 
  • Make sure not to supply block yourself
  • non stop pumping marines and marauders after your 3-4 reapers
  • if your money is getting out of control, throw down a command center and expand( but it shouldnt if you continuously make marauders marines upgrades and scvs
  • be sure to own the xel naga towers
  • if you can get a plentiful amount of scvs in your reaper harass, then the game is most likely yours
  • if your opponent gets banshees, get some turrets and COMBAT SHIELD with stim
  • make sure to stim move and attack move and attack
  • this strategy is a very MOBILE and HEAVY VISION control strategy and very very effective. if your attack fails, dont fret and try again
  • If your attack fails like my attack did in the replay at the bottom, get dropships and drop on their tanks (very good exmaple in my replay)
  • Marauders are really effective against tanks and you should always stim and focus them down first
  • then shoot and run marines, this will you will take minimal damage.
  • ^ that is a very good example of if your attack fails
  • while this replay is how it should look like following through your reaper and finish with just marauders:

Transition(optional) after you have your 4 reapers out and a couple of marauders, expand and use your reapers to keep his units inside his base (Very effective)

Why this strategy is good?
Because of the mobility of marauders. You have control of the whole map and able to attack whenever. This strategy is good against helion builds and tank builds and mediocre against banshee builds but the combat shield you will put up a good fight against banshees and you could always pump out vikings from your starport. Even if your attack fails, this is not an all in and one of my favorite strategies. Marauders are REALLY effective against tanks can out micro marines. Good luck! watch the replay ive attatched

Weaknesses: The helion to banshee build because of the so little anti air in the beginning and the MarineKingPrime Marine build is pretty rough against this strategy